Reactive Machine Learning Systems (Hardcover)
作者: Jeff Smith 
分類: Machine learning  
書城編號: 1368357

售價: $450.00

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出版日期: 2018/07/08
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781617293337
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Machine learning applications autonomously reason about data at massive scale. It's important that they remain responsive in the face of failure and changes in load. But machine learning systems are different than other applications when it comes to testing, building, deploying, and monitoring.

Reactive Machine Learning Systems teaches readers how to implement reactive design solutions in their machine learning systems to make them as reliable as a well-built web app. Using Scala and powerful frameworks such as Spark, MLlib, and Akka, they'll learn to quickly and reliably move from a single machine to a massive cluster.

Key Features:

- Example-rich guide

- Step-by-step guide

- Move from single-machine to massive cluster

Readers should have intermediate skills in Java or Scala. No previous machine learning experience is required.

About the Technology:

Machine learning systems are different than other applications when it comes to testing, building, deploying, and monitoring. To make machine learning systems reactive, you need to understand both reactive design patterns and modern data architecture patterns.

Jeff Smith 作者作品表

Thorn: The Complete Proto-Bone College Strips 1982-1986, and Other Early Drawings (Paperback)

Software Engineering Handbook (Hardcover)

Software Engineering: Contemporary Approach (Hardcover)

More Tall Tales: A Graphic Novel (Bone Companion) (Paperback)

More Tall Tales: A Graphic Novel (Bone Companion) (Hardcover)

eBook: Plausible Reason for Your Lousy Behavior (DRM EPUB)

A Plausible Reason for Your Lousy Behavior (Paperback)

eBook: Meaningful Manager: How to Manage What Matters (DRM EPUB)

Bone Adventures (hardcover)

Bone Adventures (paperback)

Reactive Machine Learning Systems (Hardcover)

Bone Bartleby Plush Doll (paperback)

eBook: Pricing Your Portraits: High-Profit Strategies for Photographers (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pricing Your Portraits: High-Profit Strategies for Photographers (DRM PDF)

eBook: Step-By-Step Posing for Portrait Photography: Simple Lessons for Quick Learning and Reference (DRM PDF)

eBook: Portrait Pro: What You MUST Know to Make Photography Your Career (DRM PDF)

eBook: Portrait Pro: What You MUST Know to Make Photography Your Career (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Photograph the Face: Lighting, Posing, and Postproduction Techniques for Flawless Portraits (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Photograph the Face: Lighting, Posing, and Postproduction Techniques for Flawless Portraits (DRM PDF)

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