Iceman Vol. 2: Absolute Zero (Paperback)
作者: Sina Grace 
分類: Graphic novels  
書城編號: 1475989

原價: HK$238.00
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出版社: Marvel Comics
出版日期: 2018/05/08
尺寸: 168x258x5mm
重量: 0.23 kg
ISBN: 9781302908805

Collects Iceman (2017) #6-11. The Champions reassembled! Iceman reunites with Angel, Hercules, Ghost Rider and Darkstar, but will even they be enough to protect Los Angeles from a swarm of rogue, haywire Sentinels? All eyes are on Bobby - how will he fare as a leader? And as if that's not enough, Iceman and his younger counterpart must team up - to face their parents! The Drakes have discovered the existence of the time-torn teen, but what are their true motivesfor engineering a meeting? And as Bobby looks to make his move to the City of Angels permanent, Daken resurfaces - with big plans for Iceman and the X-Mansion! Why has the son of Wolverine been training Bobby's former student? Whatever the answer, it's bad news for the X-Men. Iceman to the rescue!
Sina Grace 作者作品表

eBook: Rockstar & Softboy Go To Space (DRM PDF)

eBook: Rockstar And Softboy (One-Shot) (DRM PDF)

Read Only Memories (Paperback)

Haunted Mansion (paperback)

Ghosted in L.A. Vol. 1 (Paperback)

Jughead's Time Police (Paperback)

Iceman Vol. 3: Amazing Friends (Paperback)

Iceman Vol. 2: Absolute Zero (Paperback)

Nothing Lasts Forever (Paperback)

eBook: Nothing Lasts Forever (DRM PDF)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amazing Adventures The MeetingO (Hardcover)

Self-Obsessed (Paperback)

Penny Dora and the Wishing Box (Paperback)

Not My Bag (Paperback)

eBook: Not My Bag (DRM PDF)

Li'l Depressed Boy (Paperback)

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