Red Hood: Outlaw Volume 1 (Paperback)
作者: Scott Lobdell 
書城編號: 1564426

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Arte Al Dian Intl Amer Art Cor
出版日期: 2019/06/25
尺寸: 259x170x11mm
重量: 0.27 kg
ISBN: 9781401292850

Having lost his partners and base of operations, Red Hood embarks on a bold, brutal new mission. Cast out and alone with a new costume, new weapons and a new and improved plan to punish scum across the DC Universe

Jason Todd used to be a Robin, before he was murdered. He came back angry, an engine of destruction. He tired of redemption. Now he is Red Hood, outlaw.

With Red Hood's teammates Artemis and Bizarro missing and his best friend Arsenal tragically killed, Red Hood is a man on a single-minded mission. Before he died, Arsenal clued Jason in on a secretive criminal organization called the Underlife--they're like the mob, but decentralized, so they can be anywhere... and anyone.

With a new mission and a brand-new look, Red Hood takes to the road to find the rot in the heart of America... and to escape the shadow of the Bat that he left behind in Gotham.

But there are more Bats out there than a small town has secrets. And when Batwoman shows up working the same case as Jason, will she help him mete out Red Hood-style justice? Or is she there to bring him back into the fold?

The Bat-Family's toughest vigilante gets a new look and a whole new direction, thanks to writer Scott Lobdell (Nightwing) and artist Pete Woods (Justice League of America) Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 1: Underlife collects Red Hood and the Outlaws #26 and Annual #2 and Red Hood: Outlaw #27-31, along with a treasure trove of behind-the-scenes artwork.

Scott Lobdell 作者作品表

X-Men: Road to Onslaught Omnibus Vol. 1 (Hardcover)

eBook: Evil Ernie Lives (DRM PDF)

eBook: Evil Ernie Lives (DRM PDF)

Flash Forward (Paperback)

Red Hood: Outlaw Volume 3: Generation Outlaw (Paperback)

X-men Milestones: Operation Zero Tolerance (Paperback)

X-men Milestones: Onslaught (Paperback)

X-Men Milestones: Phalanx Covenant (paperback)

Red Hood: Outlaw Vol. 2: Prince of Gotham (paperback)

X-Men Milestones: Fatal Attractions (paperback)

Nightwing: Burnback (Paperback)

X-men Milestones: X-cutioner's Song (Paperback)

Red Hood: Outlaw Volume 1 (Paperback)

X-men: Onslaught Aftermath (Paperback)

Fantastic Four: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection Vol. (Paperback)

Excalibur Epic Collection: Girl's School From Heck (Paperback)

Red Hood and the Outlaws Volume 4 (Paperback)

X-men: Cyclops & Phoenix - Past & Future (Paperback)

Red Hood and the Outlaws (Hardcover)

Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 3 (Rebirth) (Paperback)

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