eBook: Darling Clementine (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Andrew Klavan 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)  
書城編號: 22766850

原價: HK$117.00
現售: HK$111.15 節省: HK$5.85

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: The Permanent Press (ORD)
出版日期: 2015/10/27
頁數: 160
ISBN: 9781504023528

Darling Clementine is the story of Samantha, a poetess determined to transform her sex life into a meditation: a pathway to enlightenment. Along for the ride is her brand new husband, Arthur Clementine, a wealthy, calm, but crypto-zany assistant district attorney for New York County. The novel begins with their meeting and works its way backward and forward. In the past, a series of darkening love affairs lead Sam to a suicide attempt and a breakdown. Now, Samantha works on a suicide hotline and uses her marriage in a search for radical sanity, a sort of road show of Love's Body. Along the way, she reconciles polymorphous perversity with housework; tries to talk one of William Blake's deities out of killing himselfor someone else; and watches, with everyone else, as the world moves toward the ever popular brink of destruction. Darling Clementine is an effervescent combination of Henry Miller and P.G. Woodhouse, in a character as daffy and enchanting as Truman Capote's Holly Golightly was in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Andrew Klavan 作者作品表

A Woman Underground (Compact Disc)

The House of Love and Death (Paperback)

eBook: House of Love and Death (DRM EPUB)

eBook: House of Love and Death (DRM EPUB)

The House of Love and Death (Compact Disc)

The House of Love and Death (MP3 CD)

A Strange Habit of Mind (MP3 CD)

A Strange Habit of Mind (Compact Disc)

When Christmas Comes (Paperback)

When Christmas Comes (Hardback)

eBook: When Christmas Comes (DRM EPUB)

True Crime: The Novel (Compact Disc)

True Crime: The Novel (MP3 CD)

Don't Say a Word (Compact Disc)

Don't Say a Word (MP3 CD)

eBook: Truth and Beauty: How the Lives and Works of England's Greatest Poets Point the Way to a Deeper Understanding of the Words of Jesus (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Truth and Beauty: How the Lives and Works of England's Greatest Poets Point the Way to a Deeper Understanding of the Words of Jesus (DRM PDF)

The Truth and Beauty: How the Lives and Works of England's Greatest Poets Point the Way to a Deeper Understanding of the Words of Jesus (MP3 CD)

The Truth and Beauty: How the Lives and Works of England's Greatest Poets Point the Way to a Deeper Understanding of the Words of Jesus (Compact Disc)

eBook: When Christmas Comes (DRM EPUB)

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