eBook: Son of a Silverback: Growing Up in the Shadow of an Alpha Male (mp3 zips)
電子書格式: mp3 zips
作者: Russell Kane 
分類: Autobiography: general ,
Autobiography: arts & entertainment ,
Memoirs ,
True stories ,
書城編號: 24886925

售價: $141.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Transworld Publishers Ltd
出版日期: 2019/10/31
ISBN: 9781473571396

Brought to you by Penguin. From one of Britain's most popular and prolific comedians comes a hilarious and deeply moving memoir of life lived under the rule of a Silverback dad. The Silverback is considered the undisputed king, a creature whose authority is never challenged and who does not yield to compromise. He walks proudly, feeds greedily, grafts tirelessly, mates voraciously, swears constantly and is threatened all too easily. The Silverback is known to nestle in the misty peaks of central Africa but can also be found in Barking, Essex. Meet Dave Kane, the disappointed, steroid-ingesting, metal-wielding, bouncer father of slight, effete Gamma Male, Russell Kane. This is a story about fathers and sons, class and education and how one scrawny, sensitive, fake-tan-applying 'ponce' stepped out of his father's shadow and became a man - whatever that means. (c) 2019, Russell Kane (P) Penguin Audio 2019
Russell Kane 作者作品表

Pet Selector!: A hilarious guide to all the usual and unusual household pets (Hardcover)

Pet Selector!: A Hilarious Guide to All the Usual and Unusual Household Pets (Hardcover)

Son of a Silverback (Paperback)

Son of a Silverback (Hardcover)

eBook: Son of a Silverback: Growing Up in the Shadow of an Alpha Male (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Son of a Silverback: Growing Up in the Shadow of an Alpha Male (mp3 zips)

Humorist (Paperback)

Humorist (Hardcover)

eBook: Humorist (DRM EPUB)

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