eBook: Beyond Supervet: How Animals Make Us The Best We Can Be (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Noel Fitzpatrick 
分類: Memoirs ,
Animals & society ,
Animal law ,
Veterinary medicine: small animals (pets)  
書城編號: 25646335

售價: $117.00

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製造商: Orion
出版日期: 2022/10/27
ISBN: 9781398706507
>> 相關實體書

In this inspiring, uplifting and heart-warming memoir, world-renowned veterinary surgeon Professor Noel Fitzpatrick shares some of the most personal and powerful tales ever from his life as The Supervet. Picking up from where the Sunday Times bestselling How Animals Saved My Life left off, Noel shares the moving, heart-warming and often surprising stories of the animals that he has treated in his remarkable career. As he explores how our relationships with animals can bring out the best in each of us, we meet some of the wonderful animals he has tried to help, the families who love them and the deeply personal challenges Noel has faced along the way. It is animals like these who have taught Noel the valuable lessons of Love, Hope and Faith - lessons that have sustained him in his life beyond being the Supervet. This is the remarkable story of one man and the animals he has saved, animals who have - in turn - saved him.
Noel Fitzpatrick 作者作品表

The Superpets (and Me!): Amazing True Stories of Incredible Animals from the Nation’s Favourite Supervet (Paperback)

Dogs and Their Humans: Stories of Healing and Hope from the Supervet's Surgery (Hardcover)

Keira Y Yo (Hardcover)

eBook: Superpets (and Me!): Amazing True Stories of Incredible Animals from the Nation s Favourite Supervet (DRM EPUB)

The Superpets (and Me!): Amazing True Stories of Incredible Animals from the Nation's Favourite Supervet (Hardcover)

eBook: Beyond Supervet: How Animals Make Us The Best We Can Be (DRM EPUB)

Beyond Supervet: How Animals Make Us The Best We Can Be (Paperback)

Vetman and his Bionic Animal Clan: An amazing animal adventure from the nation's favourite Supervet (Paperback)

Vetman and his Bionic Animal Clan (Paperback)

Vetman and his Bionic Animal Clan: An amazing animal adventure from the nation's favourite Supervet (Hardcover)

eBook: How Animals Saved My Life: Being the Supervet (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Listening to the Animals: Becoming The Supervet (DRM EPUB)

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