The Math Adventurers: Build a Friendship: Discover Shapes (Hardcover)
作者: Sital Gorasia Chapman 
書城編號: 25896125

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Dk Pub
出版日期: 2023/05/02
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9780744080247

Join two friendly and funny robots, Beep and Boots, as they learn all about time and discover that math is everywhere they look.

Beep the robot would love nothing more than to have her own pet, like her friends do. One morning she gets a surprise delivery - a parcel containing circles, squares, triangles, and pentagons for her to make her own robot cat! Beep realizes that she can't make a pet pal from flat, two-dimensional shapes so, with a flash of magic, the shapes become three-dimensional spheres, cubes, and pyramids. Join Beep as she tries different ways of putting shapes together to build her robot cat and make a best friend forever.

This fun and educational math book for children features:

- A fun and engaging introduction to shapes for children aged 5-7.
- Lively illustrations and rhyming text that brings the characters and math topics to life.
- Key math topics including shapes, time, measurements, division, and fractions - all essential learning for this age group.
- Illustrations that are in a non-gendered color palette, making the traditionally male subject relatable for all genders.
- A relatable storyline for young readers, encouraging them to look for math in their homes and environments, and seeing how, often without even knowing it, they use math everyday.

Characterful illustrations and rhyming text bring Beep and Boots to life. Children aged 5-7 will love seeing the adventures the robot duo go on and will learn key mathematical concepts concerning time in a gentle, fun way, including telling the time and hours, minutes, and seconds. Questions at the end of the book reinforce learning and encourage kids to look at the math they can see in the world around them.

At DK, we believe in the power of discovery.

So why stop there?

The Math Adventurers series uses everyday scenarios to show how math is all around us, making this difficult subject more accessible. If you loved The Math Adventurers: Chip and Christine Build a Friendship, then why not try The Math Adventurers: A Day at the Zoo!

Sital Gorasia Chapman 作者作品表

The Math Adventurers Go Bowling (Hardcover)

Little Spruce (Paperback)

Diwali (Paperback)

Diwali (Hardcover)

The Bedtime Boat (Hardcover)

Kindness Comes Back (Paperback)

The Math Adventurers Share a Camping Trip: A Story about Division (Hardcover)

eBook: Maths Adventurers Share a Camping Trip: Discover Division (DRM EPUB)

The Maths Adventurers Share a Camping Trip: Discover Division (Hardcover)

Readerful Independent Library: Oxford Reading Level 7: Crocodiles Don't Sweat (Paperback)

The Bedtime Boat (Paperback)

The Math Adventurers: Measure Up: Discover Height and Length (Hardcover)

eBook: Maths Adventurers Measure Up: Discover Height and Length (DRM EPUB)

The Maths Adventurers Measure Up: Discover Height and Length (Hardcover)

The Maths Adventurers Build a Friendship: Discover Shapes (Hardcover)

The Maths Adventurers A Day at the Zoo: Learn About Time (Hardcover)

eBook: Maths Adventurers A Day at the Zoo: Learn About Time (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Maths Adventurers Build a Friendship: Discover Shapes (DRM EPUB)

The Math Adventurers: A Day at the Zoo: Learn about Time (Hardcover)

The Math Adventurers: Build a Friendship: Discover Shapes (Hardcover)

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