Backpack Explorer 5-Book Set with Nature Collection Box (Hardcover)
作者: Editors of Storey Publishing 
分類: Natural history (Children’s/Teenage) ,
Mysteries, the supernatural, monsters & mythological beings (Children’s/Teenage)  
書城編號: 26107176

原價: HK$650.00
現售: HK$617.5 節省: HK$32.5

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出版社: Storey Pub
出版日期: 2023/08/29
ISBN: 9781635866667


The best-selling Backpack Explorer series has become a favorite of nature-curious kids and families. Now available in one value-packed bundle, the Backpack Explorer 5-Book Set with Nature Collection Box includes five books in the series: On the Nature Trail; Bird Watch; Bug Hunt; Discovering Trees; and Rock Hunt. Packed with prompts, activities, interactive field guides, and sensory scavenger hunts, each Backpack Explorer book gets kids outside and exploring the world around them. Colorful, lightweight, and durable, these books are designed to be popped in a backpack and taken along on nature walks--turning any outdoor adventure into an opportunity for nature science learning! In addition to the hands-on activities, each book includes a real magnifying glass for outdoor and on-the-page observing, three sheets of sticker patches for keeping track of nature finds, and a log for recording naturalist notes. The five books in the gift set are packaged in a keepsake nature collection box with sturdy dividers and label stickers for storing and identifying rocks, feathers, leaves, and other nature treasures that kids pick up along the trail. Bursting with hundreds of activities for screen-free fun and nature learning, this collection will make a special gift for junior naturalists ages 4-7.

Now nature-curious kids can play and learn with the companion Backpack Explorer online game!

Editors of Storey Publishing 作者作品表

Wild, Wonderful Tattoo Woodland Animals: 60 Temporary Tattoos That Teach (Paperback)

Backpack Explorer: Night Walk: What Will You Find? (Hardcover)

Animal Friends: Hello, Dogs!: Meet Dogs of All Shapes & Sizes; Learn What Dogs Love; Discover How to Be Friends! (Hardcover)

Furry, Friendly Tattoo Dogs & Puppies: 60 Temporary Tattoos That Teach (Paperback)

Cute, Cuddly Tattoo Cats & Kittens: 50 Temporary Tattoos That Teach (Paperback)

Backpack Explorer Stickers: Nature Adventure: 300 Stickers Plus Play & Learn Activities (Paperback)

Backpack Explorer: Discovering Plants and Flowers: What Will You Find? (Hardcover)

Backpack Explorer 5-Book Set with Nature Collection Box (Hardcover)

Backpack Explorer: Rock Hunt: What Will You Find? (Hardcover)

Wild for Horses (Paperback)

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