Lies We Sing to the Sea (Paperback)
作者: Sarah Underwood 
書城編號: 26946357

原價: HK$160.00
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出版社: Harpercollins
出版日期: 2024/04/23
ISBN: 9780063234499


An instant New York Times bestseller--and a legendary YA debut!

This dazzling sapphic fantasy inspired by Greek mythology will captivate fans of Circe and The Song of Achilles.

Each spring, Ithaca condemns twelve maidens to the noose. This is the price vengeful Poseidon demands for the lives of Queen Penelope's twelve maids, hanged and cast into the depths centuries ago.

But when that fate comes for Leto, death is not what she thought it would be. Instead, she wakes on a mysterious island and meets a girl with green eyes and the power to command the sea. A girl named Melantho, who says one more death can stop a thousand.

The prince of Ithaca must die--or the tides of fate will drown them all.

Sarah Underwood weaves an epic tapestry of lies, love, and tragedy, perfect for fans of Madeline Miller, Alexandra Bracken, and Ren

Sarah Underwood 作者作品表

The Gentlest of Wild Things (Hardcover)

Gentlest of Wild Things (Compact Disc)

Gentlest of Wild Things (MP3 CD)

Gentlest of Wild Things (Paperback)

eBook: Gentlest of Wild Things (DRM EPUB)

Gentlest of Wild Things (Hardcover)

Lies We Sing to the Sea (Paperback)

eBook: Lügen, die wir dem Meer singen (DRM EPUB)

Lies We Sing to the Sea (Paperback)

Lies We Sing to the Sea (Paperback)

Lies We Sing to the Sea (Hardcover)

Lies We Sing to the Sea (MP3 CD)

eBook: Lies We Sing to the Sea (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Lies We Sing to the Sea (DRM EPUB)

Lies We Sing to the Sea (Hardcover)

Lies We Sing to the Sea (Compact Disc)

Social and Sustainable Enterprise (Hardcover)

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