eBook: Word Monkey (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Christopher Fowler 
分類: Autobiography: literary ,
Memoirs ,
Writing skills  
書城編號: 27054021

售價: $143.00

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製造商: Transworld
出版日期: 2023/08/24
頁數: 464
ISBN: 9781529910865
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This is the memoir Christopher Fowler always wanted to write about 'writing'.It's the story of how a young bookworm growing up in a house where there was nothing to read but knitting pamphlets and motorcycle manuals became a writer - a 'word monkey' - and pursued a sort of career in popular fiction. It's a book full of brilliant insights and sharp observations about the highs and lows and pitfalls and pleasures of his profession and about his favourite (and not-so-favourite) novelists. For would-be writers, Word Monkey is a treasure trove of sage advice on what to watch out for, to approach with caution or, indeed, to avoid at all costs.But woven into this hugely entertaining, inspiring and politely opinionated account of a writer's life is an altogether darker thread. Because in Spring 2020, as the world went into lockdown, Chris was diagnosed with terminal cancer and his world was turned upside down. And yet Word Monkey is anything but a misery memoir. In prose as light as air, he recounts with candour, grace and typically self-deprecating humour what he came to realise would be the final chapter in his story. The result is a deeply moving, often very funny and surprisingly uplifting account of someone suddenly having to confront and come to terms with their own mortality.
Christopher Fowler 作者作品表

eBook: Foot on the Crown (DRM EPUB)

The Foot on the Crown (Hardcover)

Word Monkey (Paperback)

Word Monkey (Hardcover)

eBook: Word Monkey (DRM EPUB)

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Bibliomysteries Volume 4 (Compact Disc)

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Hot Water (Paperback)

eBook: Bryant & May: London Bridge Is Falling Down (DRM EPUB)

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