Pet Selector!: A Hilarious Guide to All the Usual and Unusual Household Pets (Hardcover)
作者: Russell Kane 
書城編號: 27221553

原價: HK$250.00
現售: HK$237.5 節省: HK$12.5

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出版社: Words & Pictures
出版日期: 2024/04/23
重量: 0.72 kg
ISBN: 9780711290198

Join British comedian Russell Kane on this HILARIOUS journey to select your next cat, dog, hamster or rabbit, or snake, or gecko, or rat, or...

Russell knows loads about pets, as he's got four of his own. And he believes that when choosing a pet, personality is the most important thing! Pet Selector! is both a practical guide to finding a pet and a hugely entertaining account of pet personalities from one of the BIGGEST animal lovers out there.

Each entry includes an overview of the breed, an account of its temperament, the history of the breed or pet, and a handy score so you can rank each pet based on playfulness, lovingness and more.

Russell also tells funny stories all about his own pets, including his adorable, stinky pug Colin!

So whether you're looking for the purrfect pet or you just want to learn all about our furry and scaly friends, giggle through this guide full of facts, photos and more!

In this uniquely funny and informative pet book, you'll find hilarious illustrations by Erica Salcedo, and clear photos of the over 40 pets and breeds included, like:

  • Adorable pugs
  • Fluffy poodles
  • Hairless sphynxes
  • Floppy ragdolls
  • Friendly RATS?
  • Chatty budgies

Pet Selector! is a perfectly hilarious guide to pet personalities, from their quirky characters to special skills, wants, needs and even cuddling capabilities. Infused with his trademark humor, personal anecdotes and extensive pet expertise, Russell will make you laugh out loud AND find you your perfect pet. So, what are you waiting for? Russell is ready to introduce you to your next best friend.
Russell Kane 作者作品表

Pet Selector!: A hilarious guide to all the usual and unusual household pets (Hardcover)

Pet Selector!: A Hilarious Guide to All the Usual and Unusual Household Pets (Hardcover)

Son of a Silverback (Paperback)

Son of a Silverback (Hardcover)

eBook: Son of a Silverback: Growing Up in the Shadow of an Alpha Male (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Son of a Silverback: Growing Up in the Shadow of an Alpha Male (mp3 zips)

Humorist (Paperback)

Humorist (Hardcover)

eBook: Humorist (DRM EPUB)

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