Our Stop (Paperback)
作者: Laura Jane Williams 
書城編號: 27629673

售價: $314.00

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出版社: Clarity Books
出版日期: 2021/10/01
頁數: 366
尺寸: 251 x 296 x 48 mm
重量: 818 grams
ISBN: 9781912789344

Nadia gets the 7.30 train every morning without fail. Well, except if she oversleeps or wakes up at her friend Emma's after too much wine. Daniel really does get the 7.30 train every morning, which is easy because he hasn't been able to sleep properly since his dad died. One morning, Nadia's eye catches sight of a post in the daily paper: To the cute girl with the coffee stains on her dress. I'm the guy who's always standing near the doors... Drink sometime? So begins a not-quite-romance of near-misses, true love, and the power of the written word.
Laura Jane Williams 作者作品表

Enemies to Lovers (Paperback)

Enemies to Lovers (Paperback)

eBook: Enemies to Lovers: The laugh-out-loud funny romcom you ll want to escape with this summer (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Taylor Blake Is a Legend: The teen debut from the bestselling rom-com author (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Taylor Blake Is a Legend: The teen debut from the bestselling rom-com author (DRM PDF)

Taylor Blake Is a Legend: The teen debut from the bestselling rom-com author (Paperback)

Lovestruck (Paperback)

eBook: Lovestruck: The most fun rom com of 2023 get ready for romance with a twist! (DRM EPUB)

The Love Square (Paperback)

Just for December (Paperback)

eBook: Just for December (DRM EPUB)

One Night With You (Paperback)

One Night With You (Paperback)

eBook: One Night With You (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Wrong Suitcase (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Wrong Suitcase (mp3 zips)

Our Stop (Paperback)

The Lucky Escape (Paperback)

eBook: Lucky Escape (DRM EPUB)

Love Square (paperback)

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