Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family (with Study Questions) (Hardcover)
作者: Paul David Tripp 
分類: Christian life & practice ,
Family & relationships ,
Advice on parenting  
書城編號: 27685091

原價: HK$230.00
現售: HK$218.5 節省: HK$11.5

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出版社: Crossway Books
出版日期: 2024/06/04
ISBN: 9781433593604


Paul David Tripp's Bestselling Book on Parenting, Now with Study Questions

Sometimes parents wish there was a guaranteed formula for raising good kids--a certain list of rules to follow to ensure they'd have obedient children. But if moms and dads view their role through the lens of God's grace, they will see that the gospel must first shape how they parent before they can effectively shape their children.

In the bestselling book Parenting, Paul David Tripp unfolds a more biblical perspective on parenting than merely adhering to a list of rules. He lays out 14 gospel-centered principles that will radically change the way parents think about what it means to raise up a child, informing everything they do as a parent. This edition includes a section of engaging study questions for every chapter, helping individuals and groups reflect on each topic in greater depth.

  • Christ-Centered Advice for Families: Explains how the gospel should affect the way parents interact with their children at every age
  • Engaging Study Questions: Reflect on each chapter alone or as part of a small group
  • By Bestselling Author Paul David Tripp: Other books include New Morning Mercies, Reactivity, and Lead
Paul David Tripp 作者作品表

Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do (with Study Questions) (Hardcover)

New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional (Large Print Edition) (Hardcover)

Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church (with Study Questions) (Hardcover)

Everyday Gospel: A Daily Devotional Connecting Scripture to All of Life (Hardcover)

New Morning Mercies (Note-Taking Edition) (Imitation Leather)

Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family (with Study Questions) (Hardcover)

New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional (Trutone) (Imitation Leather)

New Morning Mercies for Teens: A Daily Gospel Devotional (Hardcover)

eBook: New Morning Mercies for Teens (DRM EPUB)

There Is No Defeat in the Cross (25-Pack) (Paperback)

Sunday Matters: 52 Devotionals to Prepare Your Heart for Church (Hardcover)

eBook: Sunday Matters (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Reactivity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Do You Believe? (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Creados para el reino (DRM EPUB)

Relationships: A Mess Worth Making (MP3 CD)

Relationships: A Mess Worth Making (Compact Disc)

eBook: Marriage (Repackage) (DRM EPUB)

How People Change (MP3 CD)

How People Change (Compact Disc)

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