Investigators: Class Action (Hardcover)
作者: John Patrick Green 
書城編號: 27959498

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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出版社: First Second
出版日期: 2024/09/24 (快將出版)
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9781250849908


DING DING DING!! Is that the school bell, or is it three million readers ringing in the return of V.E.S.T.-wearing case-busting secret agents Mango and Brash for another hilarious adventure? (It's the latter, we'll solve that mystery for free.)

The InvestiGators are school?! Mango and Brash have always been a class act but can these alligator detectives convincingly go undercover as average middle-school students? Why has the super-spy organization S.U.I.T. been assigned protection detail for a small-town team mascot? Is it a coincidence that the school happens to be the same one that Agent Mango (just barely) graduated from? Is Mango's family in danger? Will Brash pass home economics? Is Friday still pizza day? Find out in Class Action, the A+ return of the New York Times bestselling series by John Patrick Green! Read up, because there just might be a pop quiz later!

John Patrick Green 作者作品表

Investigators: Agents of S.U.I.T.: Wild Ghost Chase (Hardcover)

InvestiGators: Class Action: A Laugh-Out-Loud Comic Book Adventure! (Paperback)

Les Investigators: N˚ 1 (Paperback)

InvestiGators: Class Action: A Full Colour, Laugh-Out-Loud Comic Book Adventure! (Hardcover)

Investigators: Class Action (Hardcover)

Agents of S.U.I.T.: From Badger to Worse: A Full Colour, Laugh-Out-Loud Comic Book Adventure! (Paperback)

InvestiGators: All Tide Up: A Full Colour, Laugh-Out-Loud Comic Book Adventure! (Paperback)

Investigators: All Tide Up (Hardcover)

eBook: InvestiGators: All Tide Up: A full colour, laugh-out-loud comic book adventure! (DRM EPUB)

InvestiGators: All Tide Up: A full colour, laugh-out-loud comic book adventure! (Hardcover)

InvestiGators: Heist and Seek (Paperback)

Agents of S.U.I.T. (Paperback)

Investigators: Agents of S.U.I.T. 1 (Hardcover)

InvestiGators: Braver and Boulder (Paperback)

InvestiGators: Heist and Seek (Hardcover)

eBook: InvestiGators: Heist and Seek (DRM EPUB)

InvestiGators: Braver and Boulder (Hardcover)

InvestiGators: Ants in Our P.A.N.T.S. (Paperback)

eBook: InvestiGators: Braver and Boulder (DRM EPUB)

eBook: InvestiGators: Ants in Our P.A.N.T.S. (DRM EPUB)

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