Cat Ninja: Heart of a Hero Volume 6 (Hardcover)
作者: Marcie Colleen 
書城編號: 28284922

原價: HK$220.00
現售: HK$209 節省: HK$11

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出版社: Andrews & Mcmeel
出版日期: 2024/10/15 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781524888794

Calling all Cat Ninja fans: Your favorite feline ninja is back in another action-packed collection of stories from Epic Originals!

It's nonstop crime time in Metro City, and the hero the city needs is...Octopunch? Even an eight-armed avenger can't keep the streets safe by himself, though, so Cat Ninja's spending all his time catching crooks--and no time curled up with his family. When he realizes that Leon needs him more than Metro City does, it might be time to hang up the nunchucks. But with a brand-new baddie kidnapping every pest and pet in town, can our hero really afford to cat nap?

This book includes a two-part bonus tale featuring Cat Ninja and friends against a vengeful villain with a fishy agenda.

Marcie Colleen 作者作品表

Cat Ninja: Heart of a Hero Volume 6 (Hardcover)

The Bear's Garden (hardcover)

Penguinaut (PB) (Hardcover)


Love, Triangle (Hardcover)

Super Happy Party Bears: Staying a Hive (Paperback)

Super Happy Party Bears: Going Nuts (Paperback)

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