J.S. Bach (Paperback)
作者: Peter Williams 
分類: Music ,
Western "classical" music ,
Classical music (c 1750 to c 1830) ,
Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups  
書城編號: 383712

原價: HK$310.00
現售: HK$294.5 節省: HK$15.5

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出版社: Cambridge Univ Ed
出版日期: 2011/06/30
尺寸: 227x154x24mm
重量: 674 grams
ISBN: 9780521306836

Peter Williams approaches afresh the life and music of arguably the most studied of all composers, interpreting both Bach's life by deconstructing his original obituary in the light of more recent information and his music by evaluating his priorities and irrepressible creative energy. How, even though belonging to musical families on both his parents' sides, did he come to possess so bewitching a sense of rhythm and melody and a mastery of harmony that established nothing less than a norm in Western culture? In considering that the works of a composer are his biography, the book's title A Life in Music means both a life spent making music and one revealed in the music as we know it. A distinguished scholar and performer, Williams re-examines Bach's life as an orphan and family man, as an extraordinarily gifted composer and player and as an ambitious artist who never suffered fools gladly.
Peter Williams 作者作品表

Pérdida de Peso Con Semaglutida: La Guía Completa Para Perder El Máximo Peso Y Controlar Tu Diabetes (Paperback)

Woodworking Furniture Mastery: Furniture Ideias, Plans Wood (Paperback)

Stress Managements: Techniques for Managing Stress (Paperback)

All about Dry Cannabis Tinctures: Everything You Need to Know about Dry Cannabis Tinctures (Paperback)

In Black & White (Paperback)

Scammell, Densham & Williams Law of Agricultural Holdings (11 ed) (Paperback)

Being There: Titanic, Marlon Brando and the Luger Pistol (Paperback)

In Black & White (Paperback)

A View from the Chair: A Festival and a Theatre that helped to shape a city (Paperback)

Hubble's Pasture & The Truth About Cows (Paperback)

eBook: If You Go Down to the Woods Tonight (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Japan's Pacific War: Personal Accounts of the Emperor's Warriors (DRM EPUB)

Japan's Pacific War: Personal Accounts of the Emperor's Warriors (Hardcover)

eBook: Learning Disabilities and e-Information (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Learning Disabilities and e-Information (DRM PDF)

Jellyfish (Paperback)

Bach (Paperback)

eBook: Discourse Delivered on the Death of Capt. Paul Cuffee: Before the New-York African Institution, in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church,

eBook: Social Process and the City (DRM PDF)

eBook: Social Process and the City (DRM EPUB)

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