Early Christians and Animals
作者: Robert M. Grant 
分類: Religious subjects depicted in art ,
Literary studies: classical, early & medieval ,
The Early Church ,
Christian theology  
書城編號: 685084

售價: $728.00

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出版社: Routledge Academic
出版日期: 2016/01/21
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9780415518871
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Early Christians and Animals presents a lively study of the significance of animals in early Christian thought, tradition, text and art.

Robert M. Grant:

* examines the diverse and often conflicting sources, from the pagan antecedents Aristotle and Pliny, to Biblical animal references and the Church fathers

* provides fresh translations of key texts concerning animals - the Physiologus, Basils homilies and Isidores chapters.


'A readable, erudite, and fascinating contribution to the history of Western civilization.' - International Review of Biblical Studies

'The work is very well referenced and there are 22 drawings … It would make a good present for an animal lover or anyone interested in early church history, or the allegorical meaning of animals in early Christian art.' - Annals Australia

Robert M. Grant 作者作品表

Strategic Mgmt Cases Wlyetxc F/Ku (8 Rev ed) (Paperback)

eBook: Apostolic Fathers, A New Translation and Commentary, Volume IV: Ignatius of Antioch (DRM PDF)

eBook: Apostolic Fathers, A New Translation and Commentary, Volume I: An Introduction (DRM PDF)

Contemporary Strategy Analysis (10th Edition) (Paperback)

Contemporary Strategy Analysis (10th Edition) (Paperback)

Early Christians and Animals

Foundations of Strategy (Paperback)

Moderne strategische Unternehmensfuhrung: Konzepte, Analysen und Techniken (Paperback)

A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible (2 Revised edition) (Paperback)

Greek Apologists of the Second Century (Paperback)

eBook: Sword and the Cross (DRM PDF)

eBook: Letter and the Spirit (DRM PDF)

eBook: Earliest Lives of Jesus (DRM PDF)

eBook: Irenaeus of Lyons (DRM PDF)

eBook: Irenaeus of Lyons (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Early Christians and Animals (DRM PDF)

eBook: Irenaeus of Lyons (DRM PDF)

eBook: Early Christians and Animals (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Early Christians and Animals (DRM PDF)

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