My Trip Down the Pink Carpet (Paperback)
作者: Leslie Jordan 
書城編號: 11520697

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Simon Spotlight Entertainment
出版日期: 2009/06/02
重量: 0.22 kg
ISBN: 9781439153482
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A hilarious romp from small-town USA to the pink carpet of Hollywood with beloved Emmy Award-winning actor, playwright, popular and laugh-out-loud funny Instagram icon, and gay legend.

Leslie Jordan was a small man with a giant propensity for scene stealing. Best known for his bravura recurring role as Karen's nemesis, Beverley Leslie, on Will & Grace (for which he won a Best Guest Actor in a Comedy Series Emmy in 2006), he also made memorable appearances on Ally McBeal, Boston Public, Monk, and Murphy Brown.

Raised in a conservative family in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Leslie--who described himself as "the gayest man I know"--boarded a Greyhound bus bound for LA with $1,200 sewn into his underpants and never looked back. His pocket-sized physique and inescapable talent for high camp paved the way to a lucrative and varied career in commercials and on television. Along the way he immersed himself in writing for the stage, and his one-man testimonials have become cult off-Broadway hits. But with success came dangerous temptations: a self-proclaimed former substance abuser and sexaholic, Leslie has spent time in jail and struggled to overcome his addictions and self-loathing.

My Trip Down the Pink Carpet is a rollicking, fast-paced collection of stories, served up with wit, panache, and plenty of biting asides. Filled with comically overwrought childhood agonies, offbeat observations, and revealing celebrity encounters--from Boy George to George Clooney--it delivers a fresh, laugh-out-loud take on Hollywood, fame, addiction, gay culture, and learning to love oneself.

Leslie Jordan 作者作品表

eBook: Unti Leslie Jordan Essay Collection (DRM EPUB)

eBook: My Trip Down the Pink Carpet (DRM EPUB)

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