eBook: Practical Approach to Planning Law (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ashley Bowes 
系列: A Practical Approach
分類: Planning law ,
Urban & municipal planning ,
Rural planning ,
England ,
書城編號: 20214137

售價: $888.00

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製造商: OUP Oxford
出版日期: 2019/07/25
頁數: 784
ISBN: 9780192569691
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Planning law is one of the most fast moving legal areas, with major structural changes to the planning system occurring since 2014 . Despite these attempts at simplification, it remains one of the most complex fields for both students and practitioners to navigate. In this continually evolving arena the fourteenth edition of A Practical Approach to Planning Law is an authoritative and reliable resource for all those working in the area, providing acomprehensive and systematic account of the principles and practice of planning law. The text guides the reader through each stage of the planning process, from permission applications through to disputes and appeals in a clear and accessible style. Containing coverage of all recent cases as well as important legislative and policy developments since the publication of the previous edition, particularly those arising out of the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017, the Housing and Planning Act 2016, the Infrastructure Act 2015, and the Deregulation Act 2015, this new edition provides an invaluable introduction to the subject for professionals and students alike. The A Practical Approach series is the perfect partner for practice work. Each title provides a comprehensive overview of the subject together with clear, practical advice and tips on issues likely to arise in practice. The books are also an excellent resource for those new to the field, where the expert overview and clear layout promote clarity and ease of understanding.
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Ashley Bowes 作者作品表

A Practical Approach to Planning Law (paperback)

eBook: Practical Approach to Planning Law (DRM PDF)

eBook: Practical Approach to Planning Law (DRM EPUB)

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