eBook: Stories, Senses and the Charismatic Relation: A Reflexive Ethnography of Christian Experience (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jamie Barnes 
系列: Theorizing Ethnography
分類: Christianity ,
Society & culture: general ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography  
書城編號: 20408039

售價: $520.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2020/10/13
頁數: 182
ISBN: 9780429851681
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 Stories, Senses and the Charismatic Relation offers a uniquely intimate and auto-ethnographic exploration of Christian experience, rendering a deep, phenomenological account of how devotional worlds become real - how they are experienced, shaped, constituted and performed by those who live them. The book starts from a reflexive exploration of the author's own experiences of the divine, considers the spiritual journeys of family members and the 'spiritual community' of which he was a part, and draws on ethnographic fieldwork in the southern Balkans where that community was based. Jamie Barnes considers three main elements: firstly, the role that sensory aspects of experience play in constituting one's lived world and one's ideas about the kinds of beings inhabiting it; secondly, how stories and metaphors are tactically employed, not only in the process of expressing aspects of past experience, but also in shaping and forming both desired worlds and future pathways; thirdly, how such sensed, narrated and lived worlds are tentatively held together - in hope, trust and love - through charismatic relationships of devotion with a divine Other. This unusual and innovative ethnography offers a unique and reflexive view from within the world of Christian experience.
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Jamie Barnes 作者作品表

eBook: Stories, Senses and the Charismatic Relation: A Reflexive Ethnography of Christian Experience (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Stories, Senses and the Charismatic Relation: A Reflexive Ethnography of Christian Experience (DRM PDF)

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