eBook: Terrible Unlikelihood of Our Being Here (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Antonetta Susanne Paola Antonetta 
系列: 21st Century Essays
分類: Memoirs ,
Literary essays ,
Anthologies (non-poetry) ,
Gender studies: women  
書城編號: 20564636

原價: HK$298.00
現售: HK$283.1 節省: HK$14.9

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製造商: Ohio State University Press
出版日期: 2021/02/25
頁數: 260
ISBN: 9780814280966
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At their family's New Jersey seaside cottages, Susanne Paola Antonetta's grandmother led seances, swam nude, and imaginatively created a spiritualist paradise on earth. In The Terrible Unlikelihood of Our Being Here, Antonetta chronicles how in that unique but tightly controlled space, she began to explore the questions posed by her family's Christian Science beliefs, turning those questions secular: What is consciousness? Does time exist? And does the world we see reflect reality? In this book, scientific research, family story, and memoir intertwine to mimic the indefinable movements of quantum particles. Antonetta reflects on a life spent wrestling with bipolar disorder, drug dependency, and the trauma of electroshock treatment-exploring these experiences alongside conversations with some of the world's leading neuroscientists and physicists, and with psychics. The result is a meditation on the legacy of family, on thought and being, and what we humans can actually ever really know about our world. 
21st Century Essays

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eBook: Terrible Unlikelihood of Our Being Here (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Warhol's Mother's Pantry: Art, America, and the Mom in Pop (DRM EPUB)

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