eBook: Commonwealth Caribbean Business Law (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Natalie Persadie, Rajendra Ramlogan 
系列: Commonwealth Caribbean Law
分類: Comparative law ,
International law ,
Company law ,
Caribbean islands ,
The Commonwealth  
書城編號: 20912200

售價: $1105.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2015/07/30
頁數: 500
ISBN: 9781317688778
>> 相關實體書

Now in its third edition, Commonwealth Caribbean Business Law continues to break away from the traditional English approach of treating business law primarily as the law of contract and agency.Taking a panoramic view, it explores the foundation of various legal systems before examining areas of legal liability that affect business activities. These include areas such as contract law, tort law, criminal law, agency and internet law which present significant challenges confronting the business sector. The book primarily targets the development of business law principles in several Caribbean Commonwealth jurisdictions but, where appropriate, also embraces the jurisprudence of other Commonwealth nations, such as the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. It also explores the United States as a non-Commonwealth jurisdiction, given the increasing importance in the Caribbean of judicial pronouncements relating to internet law from this territory. Using excerpts from key judgments, the book allows students, particularly those with a non-legal background, to understand key legal principles for business as presented by the judiciary and draws parallels between legal theory and business practice.
Commonwealth Caribbean Law

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Natalie Persadie 作者作品表

eBook: Critical Analysis of the Efficacy of Law as a Tool to Achieve Gender Equality (DRM PDF)

eBook: Critical Analysis of the Efficacy of Law as a Tool to Achieve Gender Equality (DRM EPUB)

Rajendra Ramlogan 作者作品表

Developing Environmental Law and Policy in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (Paperback)

Protection of the environment and the role of the United Nations (Paperback)

eBook: Judicial Review in the Commonwealth Caribbean (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Judicial Review in the Commonwealth Caribbean (DRM PDF)

Commonwealth Caribbean Business Law (Revised) (hardcover)

Commonwealth Caribbean Business Law: 2nd Edition

The Developing World and the Environment: Making the Case for Effective Protection of the Global Environment (Hardcover)

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