Brains and Machines: Towards a Unified Ethics of AI and Neuroscience: Volume 7 (Hardcover)
作者: Marcello Ienca 
書城編號: 27337620

售價: $2150.00

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出版社: Academic Pr Inc
出版日期: 2024/06/01
ISBN: 9780443158698
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Brains and Machines: Towards a unified Ethics of AI and Neuroscience provides a comprehensive overview of concepts and ethical issues at the intersection of two emerging technological trends in the 21st century: AI and neurotechnology. In line with recent advances across both fields, debates about philosophical, ethical, regulatory and social issues raised by neuroscience and AI have considerably expanded in the past decade. Yet, despite many intersections and fruitful interactions between the two scientific domains, ethical debates about neuroscience and AI have mostly moved in parallel. This volume assembles voices from various disciplines to provide a more unified view and offer novel perspectives on two complementary lines of discourse. The volume provides scientific background by outlining the state of the art of applying AI in the field of neuroscience and discussing instances where findings and debates from neuroscience provide cues and inspiration to the study of AI. Based on this background, the book then addresses conceptual frameworks, identifies ethical challenges at the intersection of neuroscience and AI, and highlights challenges and opportunities of finding common ground in interdisciplinary settings.

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