Psychological Autopsy (Paperback)
作者: Antoon Leenaars 
分類: Crime & criminology ,
Mental health services ,
Clinical psychology ,
Trauma & shock  
書城編號: 1270211

售價: $658.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2017/02/14
尺寸: 228x151x21mm
重量: 556 grams
ISBN: 9780895039194
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The best way to grasp the essence of death scene investigation (DSI) is to witness its application, called the psychological autopsy, by an expert forensic scientist/clinician. This remarkable book affords the opportunity to delve into the challenges that the forensic mental health specialist and public safety professional confront in DSI. Suicides, and often death, are complex, multidetermined events. People, whether police investigators or mental health professionals, are generally perplexed, and even confused, when they are confronted by the equivocal case. Was it a suicide? Homicide? Accident? These are critical questions. Dr. Leenaars shows that DSI is, however, not mysterious; the reader can learn the generally accepted, evidence-based protocols of the psychological autopsy. Illuminated by individual (idiographic) case studies and general (nomothetic) research, this definitive guide allows the investigator to uncover the bare bones of a suicide or death.

Antoon Leenaars 作者作品表

Psychological Autopsy (Paperback)

eBook: Psychological Autopsy: A Roadmap for Uncovering the Barren Bones of the Suicide's Mind (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Psychological Autopsy: A Roadmap for Uncovering the Barren Bones of the Suicide's Mind (DRM PDF)

Lives and Deaths: Selections from the Works of Edwin S. Shneidman (Hardback)

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