Growing Mathematical Minds (Paperback)
作者: Jennifer S McCray 
分類: Child & developmental psychology ,
Pre-school & kindergarten ,
Teacher training ,
Teaching of a specific subject ,
Educational: Mathematics & numeracy  
書城編號: 1601329

售價: $350.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2018/08/21
尺寸: 157x232x14mm
重量: 354 grams
ISBN: 9781138182370
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Growing Mathematical Minds is the documentation of an innovative, bi-directional process of connecting research and practice in early childhood mathematics. The book translates research on early mathematics from developmental psychology into terms that are meaningful to teachers and readily applicable in early childhood classrooms. It documents teacher responses, and conveys their thoughts and questions back to representative researchers, who reply in turn. In so doing, this highly useful book creates a conversation, in which researchers and teachers each bring their expertise to bear; their communication about these topics-informed by the thinking, commitment, and experience of both groups-helps us better understand how developmental psychology can improve math teaching, and how math teaching can, in turn, inform developmental science. The book bridges the gap between research and practice, helping teachers to adopt evidence-based practices and apply cutting-edge research findings, and prompting developmental researchers to consider their work within the framework of practice. Growing Mathematical Minds identifies and elucidates research with profound implications for teaching children from three to eight years so they develop foundational math knowledge and skills, positive attitudes toward math, and basic abilities to think mathematically.


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