eBook: Ronald Knox s Lectures on Virgil s Aeneid: With Introduction and Critical Essays (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Knox Francesca Bugliani Knox 
分類: Translation & interpretation ,
Classical texts ,
Poetry ,
Poetry by individual poets ,
Literary studies: classical, early & medieval ,
General studies ,
Latin ,
Ancient World ,
Ancient Rome  
書城編號: 27031134

售價: $995.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2023/07/13
頁數: 272
ISBN: 9781350118300
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This book makes available Ronald Knox's hitherto unpublished lectures on Virgil's Aeneid delivered at Trinity College, Oxford, as part of a lecture course on Virgil in 1912. Written with Knox's customary incisiveness and with frequent allusions to contemporary life, the lectures are devoted to the appreciation of the Aeneid and focus on what he called the 'essential and dominant characteristics' that make up its greatness. They deal with Virgil's political and religious outlook, ideas of the afterlife, sense of romance and pathos, narrative style, sources, versification and appreciation of scenery. His interpretation of the relationship between Dido and Aeneas renders redundant the question, much debated to this day, of whether Aeneas loved Dido, and also portrays Aeneas more sympathetically than is currently fashionable. The additional introductory and critical essays by the contributors place the lectures in their historical and scholarly context, bring out their enduring relevance and illustrate how Ronald Knox's distinctive approach might be still developed to advantage. As Robert Speaight noted in his presidential address to the Virgil Society in 1958, 'many of us who love our Virgil will now understand him better because Ronald Knox loved and understood him so well'.
Knox Francesca Bugliani Knox 作者作品表

eBook: Ronald Knox s Lectures on Virgil s Aeneid: With Introduction and Critical Essays (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ronald Knox s Lectures on Virgil s Aeneid: With Introduction and Critical Essays (DRM EPUB)

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