Numerical Modeling of Explosives and Propellants [With CDROM] (0003) (Hardcover)
作者: Charles L. Mader 
分類: Explosives technology & pyrotechnics  
書城編號: 11229398

售價: $2500.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: CRC Press
出版日期: 2007/10/18
重量: 1.12 kg
ISBN: 9781420052381
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Major advances, both in modeling methods and in the computing power required to make those methods viable, have led to major breakthroughs in our ability to model the performance and vulnerability of explosives and propellants. In addition, the development of proton radiography during the last decade has provided researchers with a major new experimental tool for studying explosive and shock wave physics. Problems that were once considered intractable - such as the generation of water cavities, jets, and stems by explosives and projectiles - have now been solved.

Numerical Modeling of Explosives and Propellants, Third Edition provides a complete overview of this rapidly emerging field, covering basic reactive fluid dynamics as well as the latest and most complex methods and findings. It also describes and evaluates Russian contributions to the experimental explosive physics database, which only recently have become available.

This book comes with downloadable resources that contain--

- FORTRAN and executable computer codes that operate under Microsoft(R) Windows Vista operating system and the OS X operating system for Apple computers

- Windows Vista and MAC compatible movies and PowerPoint presentations for each chapter

- Explosive and shock wave databases generated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Russian Federal Nuclear Centers

Charles Mader's three-pronged approach - through text, computer programs, and animations - imparts a thorough understanding of new computational methods and experimental measuring techniques, while also providing the tools to put these methods to effective use.

Charles L. Mader 作者作品表

eBook: Numerical Modeling of Explosives and Propellants (DRM PDF)

eBook: Numerical Modeling of Water Waves (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Numerical Modeling of Water Waves (DRM PDF)

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