The Se7en Keys to the Kingdom: Could There Be More to Life Than We've Ever Known? (Paperback)
作者: Pinky 
書城編號: 11625813

售價: $140.00

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出版社: Authorhouse
出版日期: 2010/12/10
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781449708108
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Have you ever been wrong about anything?
Have you ever passionately believed in something, only to find out later that you were mistaken all along? It seems that every church teaches something different from that of the next one. They can't all be right... but it's very important to the Lord that we know the truth. Which church teaches it? Do any of them have the full picture? How can we know that we know that what we've always been taught is accurate?
The only message that Jesus brought to Earth was that of the Kingdom. It's repeated time after time in every word that He spoke, in every book of the New Testament, and foreshadowed in every book of the Old Testament. Kingdom relationship is the entire reason that we were created, and the only reason that Jesus came to Earth, died and rose again. Yet, most Christians have never heard the message.
How can this be? Because even though it has been right in front of our faces for two thousand years, God has kept it hidden from our understanding until now. Millions have read this truth and their eyes have been opened, and their lives changed. It is for our generation to finally understand the scripture.
This book will change your theology, your heart, your mind, and your life. God has taken what we've always thought was Christianity and turned it upside down. He is showing the church how that we've had it all backwards. Pinky has the gift to articulate the mind-blowing scripture truths in an easy to read, and hard to put down revelation. You've always known in your heart that there has to be something more than going to church. Hold on tight... This is it!!!
Pinky 作者作品表

Gemstones: The Destiny Changer (Paperback)

eBook: Se7en Keys to the Kingdom: Could There Be More to Life Than We'Ve Ever Known? (DRM EPUB)

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