Quitting the Nation: Emigrant Rights in North America (Paperback)
作者: Eric R. Schlereth 
分類: History of the Americas ,
Immigration law ,
North America  
書城編號: 27419927

售價: $300.00

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出版社: Univ Of North Carolina Pr
出版日期: 2024/04/30
ISBN: 9781469678535
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Perceptions of the United States as a nation of immigrants are so commonplace that its history as a nation of emigrants is forgotten. However, once the United States came into existence, its citizens immediately asserted rights to emigrate for political allegiances elsewhere. Quitting the Nation recovers this unfamiliar story by braiding the histories of citizenship and the North American borderlands to explain the evolution of emigrant rights between 1750 and 1870.

Eric R. Schlereth traces the legal and political origins of emigrant rights in contests to decide who possessed them and who did not. At the same time, it follows the thousands of people that exercised emigration right citizenship by leaving the United States for settlements elsewhere in North America. Ultimately, Schlereth shows that national allegiance was often no more powerful than the freedom to cast it aside. The advent of emigrant rights had lasting implications, for it suggested that people are free to move throughout the world and to decide for themselves the nation they belong to. This claim remains urgent in the twenty-first century as limitations on personal mobility persist inside the United States and at its borders.
Eric R. Schlereth 作者作品表

eBook: Quitting the Nation: Emigrant Rights in North America (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Quitting the Nation: Emigrant Rights in North America (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Quitting the Nation: Emigrant Rights in North America (DRM PDF)

eBook: Age of Infidels: The Politics of Religious Controversy in the Early United States (DRM PDF)

eBook: Age of Infidels: The Politics of Religious Controversy in the Early United States (DRM EPUB)

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