Far From Home (Paperback)
作者: Lyn Andrews 
分類: Sagas  
書城編號: 1486478

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版日期: 2017/10/03
尺寸: 200x130x22mm
ISBN: 9781472246646
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Lyn Andrews' storytelling gift shines through on every page of her Sunday Times bestseller FAR FROM HOME - the perfect read if you enjoy the novels of Kate Thompson and Dilly Court.

As daughter of the blacksmith in her tiny Irish village, sixteen-year-old Kitty Doyle knows little of the ways of the world, but she has to grow up fast when her widowed father re-marries and she has no choice but to leave the family home.

Luckily there's work to be found over the water in 1920s Liverpool and soon Kitty has a job in a grocer's, where she also catches the eye of the owner.

With Kitty's input the business is soon thriving - but tragedy lies ahead, and she must endure many trials and tribulations before she can find true happiness...

Lyn Andrews 作者作品表

Goodbye, Mersey View (Paperback)

eBook: Goodbye, Mersey View (DRM EPUB)

Goodbye, Mersey View (Hardcover)

The Leaving of Liverpool: Two sisters face battles in life and love (Paperback)

eBook: Girls From Mersey View: The absolutely heartwarming new saga from the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling author, your perfect summer read! (DRM EPUB)

Liverpool Lamplight (paperback)

From This Day Forth (paperback)

Liverpool Songbird (paperback)

When Tomorrow Dawns (paperback)

Angels Of Mercy (paperback)

Mother's Love (Paperback)

Liverpool Matchgirl: The heart-rending saga of a motherless (Paperback)

Ellan Vannin (Paperback)

Liverpool Matchgirl (Hardcover)

eBook: Liverpool Matchgirl: The heartwarming saga from the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling author (DRM EPUB)

Liverpool Sisters (Paperback)

Friends Forever: Two young Irish women must battle their way out of poverty in Liverpool (Paperback)

Love and a Promise: A heartrending saga of family, duty and a terrible choice (Paperback)

Across a Summer Sea: A warm-hearted, dramatic and nostalgic saga (Paperback)

Far From Home (Paperback)

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