Marbeck and the Gunpowder Plot (Hardcover)
作者: John Pilkington 
書城編號: 1072549

原價: HK$290.00
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出版社: Severn House Publishers Ltd
出版日期: 2015/05/08
尺寸: 225x147x27mm
重量: 406 grams
ISBN: 9780727885142

Government spy Marbeck uncovers a deadly conspiracy against Parliament and the King of England

1605: With the new King James on the throne, England is still fiercely divided between Catholic and Protestant. Ordered to keep watch on well-known Papist Thomas Percy, cousin of the Earl of Northumberland, Marbeck's assignment takes on a greater urgency when rumours reach him of a terrible danger aimed at the King. But with no idea where this threat comes from, and his spymaster's refusal to take it seriously, Marbeck is at a loss. And his efforts to concentrate on affairs of state are complicated by affairs of the heart in the elegant and shapely form of Charlotte de Baume. By the time he uncovers the terrifying truth, Marbeck has only days to expose the conspirators. The safety of the realm is at stake ... but so is Marbeck's own, and he must draw on every scrap of his courage, his sharp wits and his plain stubbornness to prevent a catastrophe ...

John Pilkington 作者作品表

The History of the Lancashire Family of Pilkington (Hardcover)

(the) History Of The Lancashire Family Of Pilkington And Its Branches From 1066 To 1600: Compiled From Deeds, Charters, Wills, Inquisitions Post Morte

History of the Pilkington Family of Lancashire and its Branches, From 1066 to 1600 (Hardcover)

(the) History Of The Lancashire Family Of Pilkington And Its Branches From 1066 To 1600: Compiled From Deeds, Charters, Wills, Inquisitions Post Morte

History of the Pilkington Family of Lancashire and its Branches, From 1066 to 1600 (Paperback)

The History of the Lancashire Family of Pilkington (Paperback)

History of the Pilkington Family of Lancashire and its Branches, From 1066 to 1600 (Hardcover)

Marbeck and the Double Dealer (Hardcover)

Marbeck and the Privateers (Hardcover)

Marbeck and the Gunpowder Plot (Paperback)

Marbeck and the Gunpowder Plot (Hardcover)

Marbeck and the Gunpowder Plot (Hardcover)

Marbeck and the King-in-Waiting (Hardcover)

Marbeck and the Privateers (Hardcover)

Marbeck and the King-in-Waiting (Hardcover)

Marbeck And The Double-Dealer (Hardcover)

Judas Blade (Hardcover)

After the Fire (Hardcover)

Thief! (Paperback)

Traitor! (Paperback)

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