Experiential Learning (Paperback)
作者: Colin Beard 
分類: Learning ,
Industrial or vocational training ,
Teaching skills & techniques  
書城編號: 1464085

售價: $462.00

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出版日期: 2018/08/03
尺寸: 147x236x21mm
重量: 578 grams
ISBN: 9780749483036
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In a fast-paced and innovative world, traditional training methods can no longer be relied on to improve performance, engagement or promote behavioural change. Experience-based learning, in which the experience is central to the learning process, is more affordable, appealing and effective than ever before.

Experiential Learning combines in-depth theory with international case studies from companies including KidZania, Shell and the UK National Health Service (NHS) and numerous practical tools for developing and delivering learning experiences in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. It presents a simple model, the Learning Combination Lock, which enables trainers, coaches, facilitators and educators to select the best strategies for their circumstances to maximize comprehension, knowledge retention and application. Essential reading for anyone designing and delivering learning experiences, it covers areas such as experiential learning activities, indoor and outdoor learning environments, creative learning, working with the senses and emotions to help promote learning, and reviewing and evaluating initiatives.

In addition to featuring new international case studies and examples, this updated fourth edition of Experiential Learning contains new material on the mechanisms underpinning learning, mindfulness and wellbeing, experience and language and digital games and the design of multi-sensory experiences. Online supporting resources consist of audio files exploring sensory intelligence.

Colin Beard 作者作品表

eBook: Experiential Learning Design: Theoretical Foundations and Effective Principles (DRM PDF)

eBook: Experiential Learning Design: Theoretical Foundations and Effective Principles (DRM EPUB)

Experiential Learning (Paperback)

Experiential Learning (Paperback)

Experiential Learning Toolkit (Paperback)

eBook: Experiential Learning Toolkit: Blending Practice with Concepts (DRM PDF)

eBook: Experiential Learning Toolkit: Blending Practice with Concepts (DRM EPUB)

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