The Imperative of Good Local Governance: Challenges for the Next Decade of Decentralization (Paperback)
作者: Joakim Öjendal 
書城編號: 16850776

售價: $400.00

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出版社: United Nations Univ Pr
出版日期: 2013/11/06
重量: 0.62 kg
ISBN: 9789280812299

This publication is a true state-of-the-art volume in the field of local governance, decentralization and local democracy summarizing a substantial part of the insights from original research in the last decade. It also looks ahead at explicit policy relevance, paving the way for innovative thinking (and acting) on the next phase of development. In a unique way it brings together authoritative contributions from authors that to a large extent have been defining the field for the last decade or more. From a theoretical perspective it is adjoining top-down and bottom-up rationalities, which is further illuminated through a wide variety of key case studies. The volume concludes that overall, local development and local politics will not go away - it has a huge potential - but also that the field is full of unfulfilled promises, some of which could be remedied through the perspectives revealed in this volume.
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