eBook: Second Generation of African American Pioneers in Anthropology (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Harrison Ira E. Harrison, Johnson-Simon Deborah Johnson-Simon, Williams Erica Lorraine Williams, Bon 
書城編號: 20301215

售價: $259.00

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製造商: University of Illinois Press
出版日期: 2018/11/15
頁數: 288
ISBN: 9780252050763

After the pioneers, the second generation of African American anthropologists trained in the late 1950s and 1960s. Expected to study their own or similar cultures, these scholars often focused on the African diaspora but in some cases they also ranged further afield both geographically and intellectually. Yet their work remains largely unknown to colleagues and students. This volume collects intellectual biographies of fifteen accomplished African American anthropologists of the era. The authors explore the scholars' diverse backgrounds and interests and look at their groundbreaking methodologies, ethnographies, and theories. They also place their subjects within their tumultuous times, when antiracism and anticolonialism transformed the field and the emergence of ideas around racial vindication brought forth new worldviews. Scholars profiled: George Clement Bond, Johnnetta B. Cole, James Lowell Gibbs Jr., Vera Mae Green, John Langston Gwaltney, Ira E. Harrison, Delmos Jones, Diane K. Lewis, Claudia Mitchell-Kernan, Oliver Osborne, Anselme Remy, William Alfred Shack, Audrey Smedley, Niara Sudarkasa, and Charles Preston Warren II

Williams Erica Lorraine Williams 作者作品表

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