eBook: Syntax of Substance (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: David Adger 
系列: Linguistic Inquiry Monographs
分類: Grammar, syntax & morphology  
書城編號: 20320548

原價: HK$1040.00
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製造商: The MIT Press
出版日期: 2012/12/21
頁數: 208
ISBN: 9780262312233
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A new approach to grammar and meaning of relational nouns is presented along with its empirical consequences.In A Syntax of Substance, David Adger proposes a new approach to phrase structure that eschews functional heads and labels structures exocentrically. His proposal simultaneously simplifies the syntactic system and restricts the range of possible structures, ruling out the ubiquitous (remnant) roll-up derivations and forcing a separation of arguments from their apparent heads. This new system has a number of empirical consequences, which Adger explores in the domain of relational nominals across different language families, including Germanic, Romance, Celtic, Polynesian, and Semitic. He shows that the relationality of such nouns as hand, edge, or mother-which seem to have as part of their meaning a relation between substances-is actually part of the syntactic representation in which they are used rather than an inherent part of their meaning. This empirical outcome follows directly from the new syntactic system, as does a novel analysis of PP complements to nouns and possessors. Given this, he argues that nouns can, in general, be thought of as simply specifications of substance, differentiating them from true predicates. A Syntax of Substance offers an innovative contribution to debates in theoretical syntax about the nature of syntactic representations and how they connect to semantic interpretation and linear order.
Linguistic Inquiry Monographs

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

David Adger 作者作品表

Language Unlimited (Hardcover)

eBook: Language Unlimited: The Science Behind Our Most Creative Power (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Language Unlimited: The Science Behind Our Most Creative Power (DRM PDF)

Syntax of Substance (Paperback)

eBook: Syntax of Substance (DRM PDF)

Core Syntax (Paperback)

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