eBook: Civil War in the Border South (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Christopher Phillips 
系列: Reflections on the Civil War Era
分類: History  
書城編號: 20325705

售價: $503.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

出版日期: 2013/07/16
頁數: 171
ISBN: 9780275995034
>> 相關實體書

By studying the characteristics of those positioned along this fault line during the Civil War, the centrality of the war issue of slavery, which border residents long eschewed as being divisive, became apparent. This book explains how the process of Southernization occurred during and after the Civil War-a phenomenon largely unexplained by historians.Beyond the broader, more traditional narrative of the clash of arms, within these border slave states raged an inner civil war that shaped the military and political outcomes of the war as well as these states' cultural landscapes. Author Christopher Phillips describes how the Civil War experience in the border states served to form new loyalties and communities of identity that both deeply divided these states and distorted the meaning of the war for postwar generations.
Reflections on the Civil War Era

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Christopher Phillips 作者作品表

Battleground: 10 Conflicts that Explain the New Middle East (Paperback)

Socrates Café: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy (Compact Disc)

Socrates Café: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy (MP3 CD)

Soul of Goodness: Transform Grievous Hurt, Betrayal, and Setback Into Love, Joy, and Compassion (MP3 CD)

Soul of Goodness: Transform Grievous Hurt, Betrayal, and Setback Into Love, Joy, and Compassion (Compact Disc)

Battle for Syria (Paperback)

Hymnal (Hardcover)

Life and Dreams: Contemporary Chinese Photography and Media Art (Hardcover)

Battle for Syria (Paperback)

eBook: Child at Heart: Unlocking Your Creativity, Curiosity, and Reason at Every Age and Stage of Life (DRM EPUB)

Battle for Syria (Hardcover)

The Rivers Ran Backward: The Civil War and the Remaking of the American Middle Border (Hardcover)

eBook: Philosophy of Childing: Unlocking Creativity, Curiosity, and Reason through the Wisdom of Our Youngest (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rivers Ran Backward: The Civil War and the Remaking of the American Middle Border (DRM PDF)

eBook: Rivers Ran Backward: The Civil War and the Remaking of the American Middle Border (DRM EPUB)

Talk About a Dream (Hardcover)

eBook: Civil War in the Border South (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Civil War in the Border South (DRM PDF)

eBook: Everyday Arab Identity: The Daily Reproduction of the Arab World (DRM PDF)

eBook: Everyday Arab Identity: The Daily Reproduction of the Arab World (DRM EPUB)

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