eBook: International Relations: A European Perspective (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Mario Telo 
分類: International relations ,
Political economy ,
書城編號: 20880330

售價: $650.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2016/04/22
頁數: 234
ISBN: 9781317113768
>> 相關實體書

International Relations: A European Perspective presents the main schools of international relations while underlining the added value of the European approach. Contrary to US or East Asian perspectives, a European viewpoint adopts a critical approach to traditional cleavages. The author demonstrates the added value of a European approach to international relations, taking into account both the shortcomings and achievements found within European history and current European unity. Key themes include: the evolution of state sovereignty, regional cooperation between previous enemies, political impact of economic integration, regimes building, international rule setting, institutionalization of international relations, and the weight of ideas and perceptions by transnational cooperation. This comprehensive assessment takes into consideration every school of international relations critically presented from this original perspective and as such makes the book ideal for courses on international relations.
Mario Telo 作者作品表

Archive Feelings: A Theory of Greek Tragedy (Paperback)

Multilateralism Past, Present and Future: A European Perspective (Hardcover)

Multilateralism Past, Present and Future: A European Perspective (Paperback)

eBook: Multilateralism Past, Present and Future: A European Perspective (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Multilateralism Past, Present and Future: A European Perspective (DRM PDF)

eBook: European Union and New Regionalism: Europe and Globalization in Comparative Perspective (DRM EPUB)

eBook: European Union and New Regionalism: Europe and Globalization in Comparative Perspective (DRM PDF)

eBook: Regionalism in Hard Times: Competitive and post-liberal trends in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas (DRM PDF)

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Regionalism in Hard Times (Paperback)

eBook: European Union and New Regionalism: Competing Regionalism and Global Governance in a Post-Hegemonic Era (DRM PDF)

eBook: European Union and New Regionalism: Competing Regionalism and Global Governance in a Post-Hegemonic Era (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Globalisation, Multilateralism, Europe: Towards a Better Global Governance? (DRM PDF)

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Globalisation, Multilateralism, Europe: Towards a Better Global Governance? (Paperback)

eBook: State, Globalization and Multilateralism: The challenges of institutionalizing regionalism (DRM PDF)

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