eBook: Portrait Pro: What You MUST Know to Make Photography Your Career (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Jeff Smith 
分類: Photography & photographs ,
Advice on careers & achieving success  
書城編號: 21601240

原價: HK$260.00
現售: HK$247 節省: HK$13

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製造商: Amherst Media
出版日期: 2014/08/18
頁數: 128
ISBN: 9781608957378
>> 相關實體書

Droves of hobbyist photographers make a move to professional photography every year. They read a few books, watch rock star photographers shoot online, make business cards, and forge their path to a new career. When they book clients, work through the session, proof their images, and conduct a sales session, though, they encounter artistic, organizational, and financial problems they had not anticipated, and many stall out.In this book, Jeff Smith focuses on finding an audience and a target demographic, honing your posing and lighting skills, working with clients, and managing business and personnel concerns.Smith begins by taking a close look at the mind-set required for forging ahead as a professional photographer. He shows you how to define and target the clientele you want to work with and teaches you skillful approaches for creating and maintaining a strong photographerclient relationship. He notes that many photographers enter the business to create images that please them and explains that to be successful, photographers must instead learn to gain insight into just what the client wants to see in the final photos in order to maximize profits and keep clients coming back for more.With a clearly defined objective and approach outlines, Smith moves on to tackle common technical issues that new pros find daunting. He provides tips for creating perfect lighting in the studio and outdoors. He also discusses positioning for every part of the body, to create an ideal presentation to the camera. Next, he provides compositional tipsfrom where to position the subject in the frame, to selecting the best camera angle, to cropping for impactin order to maximize image impact and present the best-possible image to your client.Finally, with the technical and artistic fields addressed, Smith turns to a discussion on the business side of the profession. He offers advice on acquiring equipment, understanding costs and pricing, creating new business opportunities, identifying an ideal studio location, and even managing your time.
Jeff Smith 作者作品表

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eBook: Portrait Pro: What You MUST Know to Make Photography Your Career (DRM PDF)

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