eBook: Theology of Culture in a Japanese Context: A Believers' Church Perspective (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Atsuyoshi Fujiwara 
系列: Princeton Theological Monograph Series
書城編號: 21676247

售價: $650.00

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製造商: Wipf and Stock Publishers
出版日期: 2012/07/01
頁數: 416
ISBN: 9781630876470

The Christian faith has always stood in a place of tension between its transcendent nature and the surrounding culture. On the one hand, Christian faith claims to originate in the revelation of God, which transforms culture itself. On the other hand, all such revelation is inevitably received and interpreted by humans in concrete situations. It is no exaggeration to say that two millennia of church history have continually demonstrated the struggle between Christian faith and culture. In an effort to address this struggle, this book explores relevant issues pertinent to the relationship between faith and culture in the particular context of Japan. In this unique work, the context of Japan, well known as a desolate swamp for Christian missions, provides the setting for a re-exploration of issues pertaining to theology of culture. As such, Japan provides both a concrete and challenging context to work out a theology of culture. This book also helpfully illuminates for Western readers some key problems that may not have appeared fully in their contexts yet but will do so as the post-Christendom era continues.
Princeton Theological Monograph Series

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Atsuyoshi Fujiwara 作者作品表

eBook: Theology of Culture in a Japanese Context: A Believers' Church Perspective (DRM PDF)

eBook: Theology of Culture in a Japanese Context: A Believers' Church Perspective (DRM EPUB)

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