eBook: Crime in the United States 2019 (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Shana Hertz Hattis 
系列: U.S. DataBook Series
分類: Reference works ,
Society & culture: general ,
Social issues & processes ,
Social research & statistics ,
Crime & criminology  
書城編號: 21698125

售價: $1196.00

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製造商: Bernan Press
出版日期: 2019/07/05
頁數: 632
ISBN: 9781641433495
>> 相關實體書

Crime in the United States contains findings from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the offenses known to law enforcement. This reference is the most comprehensive official compilation of crime statistics in the United States and is an important addition to your librarys collection.Since the FBI no longer prints these findings, Bernan Press continues to provide this practical information in convenient book form. In this intricately detailed source, legal and law enforcement professionals, researchers, and those who are just curious will find violent and property crime statistics for the nation as well as for regions, states, counties, cities, towns, and even college and university campuses.Crime in the United States includes statistics for: Offenses known to police Violent crime offenses: murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault Property crime offenses: burglary, larcency-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arsonClearance data: crimes solved by police or cleared by exceptional meansPersons arrestedPolice employees: sworn officers and civilian law enforcement personnelHate crimes with data by offense type, location, bias motivation, victim type, number of victims, and race of offender
U.S. DataBook Series

eBook: Almanac of American Education 2023 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime in the United States 2023 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics 2023: Employment, Earnings, Prices, Productivity, and Other Labor Data (DRM PDF)

eBook: Business Statistics of the United States 2022: Patterns of Economic Change (DRM PDF)

eBook: State Profiles 2022: The Population and Economy of Each U.S. State (DRM PDF)

eBook: Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics 2022: Employment, Earnings, Prices, Productivity, and Other Labor Data (DRM PDF)

eBook: Vital Statistics of the United States 2022: Births, Life Expectancy, Death, and Selected Health Data (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime in the United States 2022 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Almanac of American Education 2022 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Business Statistics of the United States 2021: Patterns of Economic Change (DRM PDF)

eBook: State Profiles 2021: The Population and Economy of Each U.S. State (DRM PDF)

eBook: Almanac of American Education 2021 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics 2021: Employment, Earnings, Prices, Productivity, and Other Labor Data (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime in the United States 2021 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Business Statistics of the United States 2020: Patterns of Economic Change (DRM PDF)

eBook: Almanac of American Education 2020 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics 2020: Employment, Earnings, Prices, Productivity, and Other Labor Data (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime in the United States 2020 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Vital Statistics of the United States 2020: Births, Life Expectancy, Deaths, and Selected Health Data (DRM PDF)

eBook: County and City Extra 2019: Annual Metro, City, and County Data Book (DRM PDF)

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Shana Hertz Hattis 作者作品表

The Who, What, and Where of America: Understanding the American Community Survey (Eleventh Edition) (Hardcover)

eBook: Justice Statistics: An Extended Look at Crime in the United States 2023 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime in the United States 2023 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Who, What, and Where of America: Understanding the American Community Survey (DRM PDF)

eBook: Justice Statistics: An Extended Look at Crime in the United States 2022 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime in the United States 2022 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Vital Statistics of the United States 2022: Births, Life Expectancy, Death, and Selected Health Data (DRM PDF)

eBook: Who, What, and Where of America: Understanding the American Community Survey (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime in the United States 2021 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Who, What, and Where of America: Understanding the American Community Survey (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime in the United States 2020 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Vital Statistics of the United States 2020: Births, Life Expectancy, Deaths, and Selected Health Data (DRM PDF)

Justice Statistics (Paperback)

eBook: Justice Statistics: An Extended Look at Crime in the United States 2019 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime in the United States 2019 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Justice Statistics: An Extended Look at Crime in the United States 2018 (DRM PDF)

Justice Statistics: An Extended Look at Crime in the United States 2017 (Third Edition) (Paperback)

The Almanac of American Education 2017 (Ninth Edition) (Paperback)

eBook: Veterans in the United States: Statistics and Resources (DRM PDF)

Crime in the United States, 2013 (Paperback)

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