eBook: 30+ Movement Strategies to Boost Cognitive Engagement: Activating Minds and Bodies to Maximize Student Learning (Instructional strategies that
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Rebecca Stobaugh 
書城編號: 25787599

原價: HK$390.00
現售: HK$370.5 節省: HK$19.5

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製造商: Solution Tree Press
出版日期: 2022/11/28
頁數: 128
ISBN: 9781954631762
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Research shows student movement in the classroom is integral to improving cognitive engagement. But how do you integrate movement and instruction seamlessly and effectively? Author Rebecca Stobaugh guides the way with research-backed strategies utilizing classroom design, class climate, and classroom management. Explore a variety of ways to reimagine your teaching practices and get your students moving while they are actively learning.This book will help K-12 educators:Implement movement-based activities to improve student engagement Create a classroom climate that models safety and belonging for all studentsUtilize various strategies for students to participate in pairs, groups, and teamsUnderstand the research behind cognitive engagement and embodied learningExplore the concept of movement integration in the classroomContents:IntroductionChapter 1: Understanding Student EngagementChapter 2: Integrating Movement in the ClassroomChapter 3: Moving in PairsChapter 4: Moving in GroupsChapter 5: Moving With GamesChapter 6: Cementing a Culture of EngagementReferences and ResourcesIndex
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