The Great Impersonation (Paperback)
作者: E. Phillips Oppenheim 
書城編號: 25807117

售價: $170.00

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出版日期: 2023/01/07
重量: 0.24 kg
ISBN: 9781644399880


The Great Impersonation is a mystery novel written by E. Phillips Oppenheim and published in 1920. German Leopold von Ragastein meets his doppelganger, Englishman Everard Dominey, in Africa, and plans to murder him and steal his identity to spy on English high society just prior to World War I. However, doubts of the returned Dominey's true identity begin to arise in this tale of romance, political intrigue, and a (literally) haunting past.

Edward Phillips Oppenheim (October 22, 1866 - February 3, 1946), was an English novelist, in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers.

Oppenheim featured on the cover of Time magazine on September 12, 1927, he was the self-styled "prince of storytellers." He composed some one hundred and fifty novels, mainly of the suspense and international intrigue nature, but including romances, comedies, and parables of everyday life. He was the earliest writer of spy fiction as understood today, and invented the "Rogue Male" school of adventure thrillers that was later exploited by John Buchan and Geoffrey Household.

Undoubtedly his most renowned work was The Great Impersonation: it was filmed thrice, the last time as a strong piece of wartime propaganda. Perhaps Oppenheim's most enduring creation is the character of General Besserley, the protagonist of General Besserley's Puzzle Box and General Besserley's New Puzzle Box (one of his last works). Much of Oppenheim's work possesses a unique escapist charm, featuring protagonists who delight in Epicurean meals, surroundings of intense luxury, and the relaxed pursuit of criminal practice, on either side of the law. (

E. Phillips Oppenheim 作者作品表

False Evidence (Paperback)

Le Grand Prince Shan (Paperback)

Das große Geheimnis (Paperback)

Le grand secret (Paperback)

The Mischief-Maker (Paperback)

The Missioner (Paperback)

The Pawns Count (Paperback)

A Millionaire of Yesterday (Paperback)

A Lost Leader (Paperback)

The Lost Ambassador; Or, The Search For The Missing Delora (Paperback)

The Great Impersonation: in large print (Paperback)

The Great Impersonation: in large print (Hardcover)

The Evil Shepherd: in large print (Hardcover)

The Illustrious Prince (Paperback)

To Win the Love He Sought The Great Awakening: Volume 3 (Paperback)

The Lighted Way (Paperback)

The Tempting of Tavernake; A Novel: in large print (Paperback)

The Tempting of Tavernake; A Novel: in large print (Hardcover)

Master of Men (Paperback)

The Master Mummer (Paperback)

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