The Remarkable Weather of Southern California: Its Science and Subtleties (Paperback)
作者: Miguel Miller 
書城編號: 26102941

售價: $400.00

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出版社: Iuniverse Inc
出版日期: 2023/02/21
重量: 0.67 kg
ISBN: 9781663246363
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Yes, even in Southern California, weather is something we experience every day. It is in our conscious or subconscious whenever we wake up, look out a window, venture outside, see or feel the sunshine, hear the swish of wind in the trees or the white noise of rain on the roof. We make decisions, sometimes several times a day, based on a brief thought of weather. We make plans based on the near-term forecast, or long-term climate. Occasionally, we take prompt action to stay safe from it. For something so integral to our lives, how much of it do we understand? Greater understanding of the real, practical meaning of the forecast can inform decisions and plans, affording greater confidence and less frustration. You will gain a greater awareness of how the weather you experience works. You'll understand where forecasts come from, how they're made, and what it means to you.
Miguel Miller 作者作品表

The Remarkable Weather of Southern California: Its Science and Subtleties (Paperback)

eBook: Remarkable Weather of Southern California: Its Science and Subtleties (DRM EPUB)

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