Sustainable Nanofillers: Fundamentals, Synthesis, and Applications (Paperback)
作者: Shadpour Mallakpour 
書城編號: 26199891

售價: $2300.00

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出版社: Elsevier
出版日期: 2024/11/01 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9780323994705


Sustainable Nanofillers: Fundamentals, Synthesis, and Applications covers the latest advances in sustainable nanofillers, presenting fundamental concepts, state-of-the-art techniques, enhanced properties and novel applications. The book explains essential theoretical aspects, key concepts and methods for synthesis and fabrication. Sections provide coverage of sustainable nanofillers for a wide range of innovative applications, including in pharmaceuticals, biomedicine, drug delivery, environment, oils, lubricants, and fuels, rubber and tires, catalysis, antibacterial and antifungal coatings, textiles, bioactive materials, food and food packaging, and household goods. Final sections offer information on environmental, legal and health and safety issues, approaches to commercialization and standardization, and future opportunities.

This is a valuable resource for researchers and advanced students across nanotechnology, polymer science, chemistry, sustainable materials, chemical engineering, and materials science, as well as for scientists, engineers, and R&D professionals with an interest in sustainable nanofillers for a range of industrial applications.

Shadpour Mallakpour 作者作品表

Sustainable Nanofillers: Fundamentals, Synthesis, and Applications (Paperback)

Functionalized Nanoclays: Synthesis and Design for Industrial Applications (Paperback)

Medical Additive Manufacturing: Concepts and Fundamentals (Paperback)

Industrial Applications of Nanoceramics (Paperback)

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