Bravelands: Thunder on the Plains #2: Breakers of the Code (MP3 CD)
作者: Erin Hunter 
書城編號: 27228362

原價: HK$420.00
現售: HK$399 節省: HK$21

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出版社: Harpercollins
出版日期: 2024/02/06
重量: 0.09 kg
ISBN: 9798212898157


A thrilling new arc in Erin Hunter's bestselling Bravelands series! Set in the African highlands and told from three different animals' points of view, this is a perfect adventure for dedicated fans and readers new to the Bravelands world.

Cast out of his coalition, Stride the cheetah embarks on a perilous mission for the Great Parent, accompanied by a honey badger burdened with a dark and mysterious past. Whisper the water buffalo has been searching desperately for her brother Echo, presumed dead after a terrible fall.

And the hyena now known as Breathstealer finds herself courted by the Great Spirit at one moment and other times tempted by the Great Devourer, who sends her compelling visions of power and plenty.

The balance of power in Bravelands rests on a knife's edge, and the Great Devourer waits hungrily in the shadows. Will these unlikely heroes be able to restore their home?

Full of epic adventure and intrigue, this adventure will thrill readers who love the Spirit Animals and Wings of Fire series, as well as the legion of dedicated fans who've made Erin Hunter a bestselling phenomenon.

Erin Hunter 作者作品表

Warriors: A Starless Clan #5: Wind (Paperback)

Bravelands: Thunder on the Plains #2: Breakers of the Code (Paperback)

Bravelands: Thunder on the Plains #3: Realm of Lost Spirits: Realm of Lost Spirits (MP3 CD)

Bravelands: Thunder on the Plains #3: Realm of Lost Spirits: Realm of Lost Spirits (Compact Disc)

Bravelands: Thunder on the Plains #3: Realm of Lost Spirits (Hardcover)

Warriors Super Edition: Ivypool's Heart (Hardcover)

Warriors Super Edition: Riverstar's Home (Paperback)

Warriors Super Edition: Ivypool's Heart (MP3 CD)

Warriors Super Edition: Ivypool's Heart (Compact Disc)

Warriors Graphic Novel: The Prophecies Begin #1 (Paperback)

Warriors Graphic Novel: The Prophecies Begin #1 (Hardcover)

Bamboo Kingdom #5: The Lightning Path (Compact Disc)

Bamboo Kingdom #5: The Lightning Path (MP3 CD)

Bamboo Kingdom #5: The Lightning Path (Hardcover)

Bamboo Kingdom #4: The Dark Sun (Paperback)

Warriors: A Starless Clan #5: Wind (Hardcover)

Warriors: A Starless Clan #3: Shadow (Paperback)

Warriors: A Starless Clan #5: Wind (MP3 CD)

Warriors: A Starless Clan #5: Wind (Compact Disc)

Bravelands: Thunder on the Plains #2: Breakers of the Code (Hardcover)

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