eBook: Women and Psychedelics: Uncovering Invisible Voices (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Erika Dyck, Patrick Farrell, Beatriz Caiuby Labate, Clancy Cavnar, Ibrahim Gabriell, Glauber Loures  
分類: Biography: general ,
Social & cultural history ,
Feminism & feminist theory ,
Gender studies: women ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ,
Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice  
書城編號: 27658675

原價: HK$195.00
現售: HK$185.25 節省: HK$9.75

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製造商: Synergetic Press
出版日期: 2024/03/05
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9781957869131
>> 相關實體書

This collection of short essays examines the place of women in the history of psychedelics.While some of the subjects are pioneers in their own right, the authors in this collection go beyond merely adding women to the past in psychedelic history, exploring some of the significant ways that women have contributed to psychedelic knowledge.Blending historical and anthropological approaches with a series of captivating interviews, this collection taps into womens networks around the world throughout the 20th century. It reveals some of the sophisticated and creative ways women have influenced our understanding of psychedelics and how they will continue to protect these stories as we face our psychedelic future. Our collection intentionally moves beyond an American set of stories, teasing out networks in Latin America. This collection brings together authors from the Chacruna Institute and Chacruna Latinamrica to engage readers in conversations that move across time and place throughout the Americas. It is the first of its kind to balance non-English contributions through translation of stories exploring different cultural contexts outside the United States, where women have contributed to this enduring history.
Erika Dyck 作者作品表

Psychedelics: A Visual Odyssey (Paperback)

Managing Madness (Paperback)

eBook: Facing Eugenics: Reproduction, Sterilization, and the Politics of Choice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Facing Eugenics: Reproduction, Sterilization, and the Politics of Choice (DRM EPUB)

Facing Eugenics (Paperback)

eBook: Psychedelic Psychiatry: LSD from Clinic to Campus (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychedelic Psychiatry: LSD from Clinic to Campus (DRM EPUB)

Patrick Farrell 作者作品表

Grammatical Relations (Hardcover)

eBook: Grammatical Relations (DRM PDF)

Beatriz Caiuby Labate 作者作品表

Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond (Hardcover)

Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond (Paperback)

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