Cercle (Paperback)
作者: Mac Barnett 
書城編號: 27737366

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Scholastic Canada
出版日期: 2024/06/18
重量: 0.22 kg
ISBN: 9781039705883


See below for English description.

C'est l'histoire de Cercle. C'est aussi l'histoire de Triangle et de Carre, les amis de Cercle. Et c'est aussi l'histoire d'une regle que Cercle a fixee, mais que Triangle ne respecte pas. Le duo a succes nous offre le troisieme et dernier tome de sa trilogie cocasse mettant en vedette Triangle, Carre et Cercle. Mac Barnett et Jon Klassen bouclent la boucle avec leur humour subtil et intelligent qui les caracterise si bien!

This book is about Cercle. This book is also about Cercle's friends, Triangle and Carre. Also it is about a rule that Cercle makes and how she has to rescue Triangle when he breaks that rule. With their usual pitch-perfect pacing and subtle, sharp wit, Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen come full circle in the third and final chapter of their clever Shapes Trilogy.

Original title: Circle

Mac Barnett 作者作品表

The First Cat in Space and the Wrath of the Paperclip (Hardcover)

Santa's First Christmas (Hardcover)

Santa's First Christmas (Hardcover)

How Does Santa Go Down the Chimney? (Paperback)

A Polar Bear in the Snow (Paperback)

El Primer Gato En El Espacio Comió Pizza (Paperback)

The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom (Paperback)

Cercle (Paperback)

Triangle (Paperback)

Carré (Paperback)

Twenty Questions (Paperback)

Vingt Questions (Hardcover)

Three Billy Goats Gruff, the (Sp Tk) (Paperback)

Comment Fait Le Père Noël Pour Passer Par La Cheminée? (Hardcover)

How Does Santa Go Down the Chimney? (Hardcover)

The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom (Hardcover)

The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom (Compact Disc)

The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom (MP3 CD)

How Does Santa Go Down the Chimney? (Hardcover)

John's Turn (Hardcover)

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