eBook: Integrated Solutions for Smart and Sustainable Environmental Conservation (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Jamal Mabrouki, Mourade Azrour 
系列: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control
分類: Conservation of the environment ,
Maths for engineers ,
Environmental science, engineering & technology ,
Artificial intelligence  
書城編號: 28092627

售價: $2074.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Springer Nature Switzerland
出版日期: 2024/04/29
ISBN: 9783031557873
>> 相關實體書

Resource depletion and ecological risks are more than ever at the heart of societal and economic debates. In the 1970s, the developed countries saw the Fordist growth regime crumble in parallel with the growing awareness of the ecological issue. Since the first industrial revolutions, technological dynamics have been the cause of many environmental problems, and there is a consensus on the diagnosis. Integrated technologies reduce resource use and/or pollution at source by using cleaner production methods. This generally leads to a reduction in the by-products, energy inputs and resources used by companies to produce goods.Integrated production technologies reduce negative environmental impacts at source by substituting or modifying cleaner technologies. Examples of integrated, or cleaner, production technologies are the recirculation of materials, the use of environmentally friendly materials (such as the substitution of water for organic solvents), etc. However, the implementation of integrated production technologies is often hampered by obstacles related to cost, coordination and skill inertia problems and to the productive organisation of companies. In addition to the high investment costs of new integrated technologies, additional barriers may emerge depending on the nature of the environmental problem and the type of environmental regulation in question.
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Jamal Mabrouki 作者作品表

Technical and Technological Solutions Towards a Sustainable Society and Circular Economy (2024) (Hardcover)

Advanced Technology for Smart Environment and Energy (00022024) (Hardcover)

Integrated Solutions for Smart and Sustainable Environmental Conservation (2024) (Hardcover)

Advancements in Climate and Smart Environment Technology (Hardcover)

Advanced Systems for Environmental Monitoring, Iot and the Application of Artificial Intelligence (2024) (Hardcover)

Advanced Technology for Smart Environment and Energy (2023) (Hardcover)

Mourade Azrour 作者作品表

Sustainable and Green Technologies for Water and Environmental Management (2024) (Hardcover)

Blockchain and Machine Learning for Iot Security (Hardcover)

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