Young Samurai: The Way of the Sword, 1st Edition
作者: Chris Bradford 
書城編號: 779387

原價: HK$240.00
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出版社: Thorndike Press
出版日期: 2012/01
ISBN: 9781410444042


After a vicious ninja attack left him orphaned and stranded in Japan‚ Jack Fletcher managed to complete his first year of samurai school. Still‚ his troubles are far from over. He has dangerous enemies at the school‚ and Dragon Eye — the ninja who killed his father — is still after him. Jack’s only hope of defeating them lies in surviving the Circle of Three: an ancient ritual that tests a samurai’s courage‚ skill‚ and spirit to the limit.

This product is part of: Series The Literacy Bridge Young Adult - Large Print Standing Order Plan

This offers high interest award-winning or bestselling titles perfect for struggling readers, young adult ESL patrons and those with visual impairments. For interest levels grades 7-12, reading levels vary from 3rd-10th grades. 3 titles shipped every month.

Chris Bradford 作者作品表

Jake and Jen in the Curse of the Mummy: Phase 5 Set 5 (Paperback)

Gamer: Virtual Kombat, Book 1 (Paperback)

Virus: Virtual Kombat, Book 2 (Paperback)

Cyborg: Virtual Kombat, Book 3 (Paperback)

Lunar (Paperback)

Year 3 Book 8 NF 1: Year 3 (Paperback)

Yasuke!: Year 3 (Paperback)

The Soul Survivor (Paperback)

eBook: Soul Survivor (DRM EPUB)

Jake and Jen in the Night of the Ninja: Phase 5 Set 5 (Paperback)

The Soul Prophecy (Paperback)

eBook: Soul Prophecy (DRM EPUB)

Jake and Jen and the Balloon of Doom: Phase 5 (Paperback)

Jake and Jen and the Castle of Kings: Band 06/Orange (Paperback)

The Soul Hunters (Paperback)

eBook: Soul Hunters (DRM EPUB)

Cyborg (Paperback)

eBook: Return of the Warrior (Young Samurai book 9) (DRM EPUB)

Return of the Warrior (Young Samurai book 9) (Paperback)

Gamer (Paperback)

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