eBook: Rediscovering Colors: A Study in Pollyanna Realism (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: M. Watkins 
系列: Philosophical Studies Series
分類: Philosophy of language ,
Philosophy ,
Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology ,
Philosophy of mind  
書城編號: 22465978

售價: $1164.00

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製造商: Springer Netherlands
出版日期: 2012/12/06
ISBN: 9789401005623
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In Rediscovering Colors: A Study in Pollyanna Realism, Michael Watkins endorses the Moorean view that colors are simple, non-reducible, properties of objects. Consequently, Watkins breaks from what has become the received view that either colors are reducible to certain properties of interest to science, or else nothing is really colored. What is novel about the work is that Watkins, unlike other Mooreans, takes seriously the metaphysics of colors. Consequently, Watkins provides an account of what colors are, how they are related to the physical properties on which they supervene, and how colors can be causally efficacious without the threat of causal overdetermination. Along the way, he provides novel accounts of normal conditions and non-human color properties. The book will be of interest to any metaphysician and philosopher of mind interested in colors and color perception.
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